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A list of our favorite local pros to help you!
Grab your favorite “I Do Crew” for a fun afternoon of wedding planning! The 38th Annual Michiana Wedding Expo will span 2 floors in the Downes Ballroom of Notre Dame Stadium!
Attendees will have the opportunity to sample detectible bites, enjoy tasty sips and win FREE giveaways!
There will be photo booths, live music performances, and opportunities to discover the most beautiful venues Michiana has to offer!
Our Wedding Expo can connect you with makeup artists, hairstylists, bakeries, caterers, florists, DJ’s, limos, and so much more this year. Did we mention, it’s FREE?
You’re getting married! Your friends and family are thrilled. As you start to imagine all of the highlights of the big day, it can be a touch overwhelming. There’s the perfect venue to find, a photographer to choose, flowers to see and smell, catering menus to sample, wedding cakes to taste. There’s hotels and lodging to line up for your guests and wedding party, and a coordinator to make all of it happen smoothly. So many choices – so little time! Fortunately, we have some of the best wedding specialists around!